diff --git a/esphome-web-bb04f0.yaml b/esphome-web-bb04f0.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c2290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esphome-web-bb04f0.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+  name: thr320d_filtre_bb04f0
+  friendly_name: "filtration"
+  project_name: "Filtration piscine"
+  project_version: "1.0"
+  light_restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
+  name: "${name}"
+  # supply the external temp/hum sensor with 3v power by pulling this GPIO high
+  on_boot:
+    - priority: 90
+      then:
+      - switch.turn_on: ${name}_sensor_power
+  board: nodemcu-32s
+  encryption:
+    key: "zOAo/IyJfGlFafVzPae/pCJZQtGFRWc7i+O9ZXfRY+c="
+  - platform: esphome
+    password: "5e0d993d03804b33e56142c07cae7526"
+  baud_rate: 0
+  port: 80
+  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
+  password: !secret wifi_password
+  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
+  ap:
+    ssid: !secret ap_ssid_pool
+    password: !secret ap_pass_pool
+  - platform: gpio
+    pin: GPIO25
+# This will take care of the display automatically.
+# You don't need to tell it to print something to the display manually.
+# It'll update every 60s or so.
+  platform: tm1621
+  id: tm1621_display
+  cs_pin: GPIO17
+  data_pin: GPIO5
+  read_pin: GPIO23
+  write_pin: GPIO18
+  lambda: |-
+    it.printf(0, "%.1f", id(${name}_temp).state);
+    it.display_celsius(true);
+    /*it.printf(1, "%.1f", id(${name}_temp).state/10);
+    /*it.display_kwh(true);
+    /*it.printf(1, "%.1f", id(${name}_humi).state);
+    it.display_humidity(true);*/
+  # single main button that also puts device into flash mode when held on boot
+  - platform: gpio
+    pin:
+      number: GPIO0
+      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
+      inverted: True
+    name: "${friendly_name} Button"
+    on_click:
+      - max_length: 350ms # short press to toggle the relay
+        then:
+          switch.toggle: mainRelayVirt
+      - min_length: 360ms # long press to do...
+        max_length: 3s
+        then:
+          switch.toggle: dryContRelay
+      - min_length: 10s # very long press to reset
+        max_length: 20s
+        then:
+          - switch.turn_on: ${name}_restart
+  - platform: status
+    name: "${friendly_name} Status"
+  # virtual switch to represent the main relay
+  # as far as I know, we have no way to confirm the real state
+  - platform: template
+    id: mainRelayVirt
+    name: "Pompe"
+    turn_on_action:
+      - switch.turn_on: mainRelayOn
+      - switch.turn_on: ${name}_onoff_led
+    turn_off_action:
+      - switch.turn_on: mainRelayOff
+      - switch.turn_off: ${name}_onoff_led
+    assumed_state: True
+    optimistic: True
+    #restore_state: True
+    #restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
+  # internal momentary switch for main relay ON
+  - platform: gpio
+    id: mainRelayOn
+    internal: True
+    pin:
+      number: GPIO19
+    on_turn_on:
+      - delay: 500ms
+      - switch.turn_off: mainRelayOn
+    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
+  # internal momentary switch for main relay OFF
+  - platform: gpio
+    id: mainRelayOff
+    internal: True
+    pin:
+      number: GPIO22
+    on_turn_on:
+      - delay: 500ms
+      - switch.turn_off: mainRelayOff
+    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
+  # dry contact relay switch
+  - platform: gpio
+    id: dryContRelay
+    name: "Extension"
+    pin:
+      number: GPIO4
+    on_turn_on:
+      - switch.turn_on: ${name}_ext_led
+    on_turn_off:
+      - switch.turn_off: ${name}_ext_led
+  # Leftmost (red) LED that's used to indicate the relay being on/off
+  - platform: gpio
+    id: ${name}_onoff_led
+    pin:
+      number: GPIO16
+      inverted: true
+  # Rightmost (green) LED; use as dry contact indicator
+  - platform: gpio
+    id: ${name}_ext_led
+    pin:
+      number: GPIO13
+      inverted: true
+  # This is needed to power the external temp/humidity sensor.
+  # It receives 3v from this pin, which is pulled up on boot.
+  # TODO: This should probably be an internal switch.
+  - platform: gpio
+    pin: GPIO27
+    id: ${name}_sensor_power
+    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
+  - platform: restart
+    name: "Filtration Restart"
+    id: ${name}_restart
+    icon: "mdi:restart"
+  # The middle (blue) LED is used as wifi status indicator.
+  - platform: status_led
+    id: wifi_status_led
+    name: "Wifi"
+    pin:
+      number: GPIO15
+      inverted: true
+  - platform: dallas_temp
+    name: "Température eau"
+    id: ${name}_temp
+    address: 0xfe3ce504578d3c28
+    update_interval: 1s
+  - platform: thermostat
+    name: "${friendly_name} Climate"
+    sensor: ${name}_temp
+    default_preset: Home
+    preset:
+      - name: Home
+        default_target_temperature_low: 31 °C
+        mode: heat
+    min_heating_off_time: 300s
+    min_heating_run_time: 300s
+    min_idle_time: 30s
+    heat_action:
+      - switch.turn_on: mainRelayVirt
+    idle_action:
+      - switch.turn_off: mainRelayVirt
+    heat_deadband: 0.5 # how many degrees can we go under the temp before starting to heat
+    heat_overrun: 0.5 # how many degrees can we go over the temp before stopping
+  - platform: wifi_info
+    ip_address:
+      name: "Addresse IP"
+      disabled_by_default: true
+  - interval: 30s
+    then:
+      if:
+        condition:
+          wifi.connected:
+        then:
+          - light.turn_on: wifi_status_led
+        else:
+          - light.turn_off: wifi_status_led