Laurent Claude laurent
laurent pushed to main at laurent/Horloge_Nixie_firmware 2025-02-16 14:18:43 +01:00
4efdbb3d63 add OTA
laurent transferred repository laurent/Filtration to Piscine/Filtration 2024-09-01 16:12:30 +02:00
laurent pushed to main at Piscine/Filtration 2024-08-26 08:37:08 +02:00
d40590e1cd modes : forcé, normal +et-, arrêt
laurent pushed to main at Piscine/Filtration 2024-08-23 09:58:44 +02:00
8b71e2bb63 tests fonction time
laurent pushed to main at Piscine/Filtration 2024-08-17 16:04:47 +02:00
ff78365e71 premiere config qui marche ((tempperature, wifi, reset,...)
laurent created repository Piscine/Filtration 2024-08-17 16:01:40 +02:00
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-11-06 19:00:57 +01:00
a8d3a5177f ajout images et tag v1.0
laurent pushed to main at K/minuteur-esp 2023-10-20 23:20:09 +02:00
fa3ef62e00 fallback
laurent pushed to main at K/minuteur-esp 2023-10-20 16:14:56 +02:00
62211f3226 #fix inversion état relais
laurent pushed to main at laurent/Horloge_Nixie_firmware 2023-10-13 14:41:53 +02:00
471bfbe6ac +LEDs RGB, fix Brightness input
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-10-10 21:19:15 +02:00
eddce14848 switch boot mode, 3 GPIO, PCB: pinhole and 3 jacks
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-10-10 13:58:42 +02:00
1cba58bece First proto
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-10-10 09:24:54 +02:00
ca1fb61955 WIP to ESP NO PICO
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-10-07 11:32:41 +02:00
955c6fa375 with dungle case
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-10-07 09:04:35 +02:00
e08029ce0e voilà
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-09-13 10:30:51 +02:00
18ac1b18e6 MAJ readme, nettoyage fichiers inutiles
laurent pushed to main at Moozy/Moozy_Nano_schematics 2023-09-13 10:08:26 +02:00
6b90c225ef Rebasé sur un ESP32-S3 PICO-1
laurent pushed to main at K/minuteur-esp 2023-09-07 13:08:59 +02:00
bc904d4f01 Mémorisation dernière durée en EEPROM
8cd2ee3943 maj readme et schema pour D1mini
ecf8711e54 ajustement première seconde de décompte,
ffa4c5b006 #fix action BP
dc76d0fad2 config I/O D1 Mini
Compare 5 commits »
laurent pushed to dev_D1Mini at K/minuteur-esp 2023-09-07 12:51:51 +02:00
bc904d4f01 Mémorisation dernière durée en EEPROM
laurent pushed to dev_D1Mini at K/minuteur-esp 2023-09-05 13:02:38 +02:00
8cd2ee3943 maj readme et schema pour D1mini